Essay 2: The City of Hagi, Yamaguchi Prefecture

Hagi has been called the birth place of the Meiji Restoration, because many leaders of the Restoration were born here. They include YOSHIDA Shoin 吉田松陰, the intellectual leader (short 1991 video on his famous Shoka sonjuku private village school 松下村塾), and TAKASUGI Shinsaku 高杉晋作, the military leader.

Sweet summer tangerines and Hagiyaki ceramic ware (萩焼) are the specialties of the city.

Hagi street scene, 1991

Hagi street scene

Hagi bird's-eye view

The open sea is the Sea of Japan. Population as of August 2003 is 45,118, compared to 50,618 in 1990.
(Source: Japanese Web pages)

A telephone card purchased in May 1991

Link to Hagi city

Hagi page (in Japanese)

The hotel I stayed in in May 1991, just fond memories ...
This photo was taken in March 2014 during light snow.

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From the Gardener: Louis Chor. Canada, March 1997. Revised January 2022.